
I am currently a software engineer at RTX Corporation. I am also currently working on Hungie on the side.

My main interests include applied machine learning, cloud technology, and security. Aside from this, I am also learning about blockchain technology and building full-stack applications.

I also enjoy weight training, hiking, exploring various genres of music, and catching up to mainstream tv shows and animes.


I love exploring new frameworks and languages. From my previous experiences, I have had the opportunity to delve into a range of projects, from operating system-specific applications to various web frameworks.

Here are some of the languages and frameworks I use to develop webapps:

  • Web Development

Here are the languages I use for both my everyday software development work and testing new ideas:

  • General Programming

Here are some other things that you may want to know about me:

  • Other Technologies and Softwares

  • LeetCode Icon 0 LC Questions Completed
  • LeetCode Icon 0 Bubble Tea Drank
  • Coding Icon 0 Hours of Coding on Projects
Check out my background in more detail

Some of my Works

Here are some of the projects I have actively contributed to and continued to develop.
My portfolio ranges from machine learning applications to 3D Unity projects to fully responsive webapps.

Let's Connect!

Interested in teaming up for some amazing projects or seeking a stellar developer? Don't hesitate to reach out.

Simon Zheng
Freelance Web/Software Developer